Configure workspaces to use s3 storage class in tekton Configure workspaces to use s3 storage class in tekton kubernetes kubernetes

Configure workspaces to use s3 storage class in tekton

The issue is in the way the volumeClaimTemplate is defined. If you run kubectl get storageclass and look in the name column you will note that one has the text (default). In the absence of declaring a the storage class, the default will be chosen. To fix this set the spec.workspaces.volumeClaimTeamplte.spec.storageClassName field.

I am using IBM Cloud (for example), so I would (using the output of kubectl get storageclass) set storageClassName to "ibmc-s3fs-standard-regional":

workspaces:  - name: output    volumeClaimTemplate:      spec:         accessModes:          - ReadWriteOnce        resources:          requests:            storage: 1Gi        storageClassName: "ibmc-s3fs-standard-regional"