Connect back-end with front-end over rest api call running on kubernetes Connect back-end with front-end over rest api call running on kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

Connect back-end with front-end over rest api call running on kubernetes

It's because you're using headless service

I guess you don't need a headless service for this job. Because DNS server won't return a single IP address if there are more than one pod match by the label selector. Remove the spec.ClusterIP field from your service.

apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  name: mywebapi-svc  namespace: defaultspec:  # clusterIP: None <-- remove  ports:    - name: mywebapiport      port: 5000      protocol: TCP      targetPort: 5000  selector:    app: mywebapi  type: ClusterIP

Now you can call at http://service-name.namespace-name.svc:port endpoint from your front-end. It should work.

In case your webapi is stateful, then you should use statefulset instead of deployment.