Connect ResourceManager for Flink FLIP-6 start new "session job" Connect ResourceManager for Flink FLIP-6 start new "session job" kubernetes kubernetes

Connect ResourceManager for Flink FLIP-6 start new "session job"

In flink-conf.yaml, set

high-availability.jobmanager.port: 6123

That will bring the resource manager connection back down to the static port you'd like it to be using.

The reason you don't get nodePorts like 6123, 6124, and 6125 allocated by the Kubernetes master is that there's a port range for nodePorts identified by the --service-node-port-range option on the kube-apiserver. The default for that range is 30000-32767.

You can just add that flag --service-node-port-range to your kubeapi-server configuration typically under /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml with some value like:


Keep in mind that there could be port overlap with some other services you are running on the node.

As a side node FLIP-6 is a work in progress in K8s (as of this writing) and you can see it's pretty barebones in Kubernetes in that the jobmanager is not really dynamically creating your taskmanager and allocating resources.