Connecting Datastax outside Kubernetes to a Cassandra cluster in Kubernetes Connecting Datastax outside Kubernetes to a Cassandra cluster in Kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

Connecting Datastax outside Kubernetes to a Cassandra cluster in Kubernetes

First of all. You can't use LoadBalancer for this purpose.

Set up the service like so:

apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  labels:    app: cassandra  name: cassandraspec:  type: NodePort  ports:  - port: 9042    nodePort: 30042  selector:    app: cassandra

The nodePort will be available outside the Kubernetes cluster. The nodePort has to be between 30000-32767.

From datastax driver, connect to K8S_NODE_IP:NODEPORT (not the pod ip).

One option is to use an address translator at the driver:

However note that you will loose driver side features like token aware load balancing etc.

The best approach is to provide direct connectivity from your app to all the C* nodes so it can establish connections to each node.

You can create a Kubernetes service to expose the pods in your Deployment or StatefulSet. The service could be either a NodePort or LoadBalancer port so that you have external access.

You will also have to add a Selector on both your service and your Deployment/StatefulSet so that your service can attach the right Endpoints