convert docker-compose.yml file to kubernetes convert docker-compose.yml file to kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

convert docker-compose.yml file to kubernetes

When Kompose warns you:

WARN Volume mount on the host "/usr/docker/adpater/license.json" isn't supported - ignoring path on the host

It means that it can't translate this fragment of the docker-compose.yml file into Kubernetes syntax:

volumes:    - ./license.json:/run/secrets/rji_license.json

In native Kubernetes, you'd need to provide this content in ConfigMap or Secret objects, and then mount the file into the pod. You can't directly access content on the system from which you're launching the containers.

You can't really get around directly working with the Kubernetes YAML files here. You could run kompose convert to generate the skeleton files, but then you'll need to edit those to add the ConfigMaps, PersistentVolumeClaims (for the database storage), and relevant volume and mount declarations, and then run kubectl apply -f to actually run them. I'd check the Kubernetes YAML files into source control, and maintain them in parallel with your Docker Compose setup.

Move2Kube (which does support docker-compose translation), can handle this case and tries to convert the volumes by interacting with you.

    ? 6. [] What type of container registry login do you want to use?Hints: [Docker login from config mode, will use the default config from your local machine.] No authentication? 7. Do you want to create PVC for host path [/Users/ashok/wksps/hc/temp/test2/src/dbdata]?:Hints: [Use PVC for persistent storage wherever applicable] Yes? 8. Do you want to create PVC for host path [/Users/ashok/wksps/hc/temp/test2/src/license.json]?:Hints: [Use PVC for persistent storage wherever applicable] No? 9. Do you want to create PVC for host path [/Users/ashok/wksps/hc/temp/test2/src/certificates/ssl.crt]?:Hints: [Use PVC for persistent storage wherever applicable] No? 10. Do you want to create PVC for host path [/Users/ashok/wksps/hc/temp/test2/src/certificates/ssl.key]?:Hints: [Use PVC for persistent storage wherever applicable] No? 11. Do you want to create PVC for host path [/Users/ashok/wksps/hc/temp/test2/src/server.xml]?:Hints: [Use PVC for persistent storage wherever applicable] No? 12. Which storage class to use for persistent volume claim [vol17655897939759777588] used by [mysql]Hints: [If you have a custom cluster, you can use collect to get storage classes from it.] default? 13. Provide the ingress host domainHints: [Ingress host domain is part of service URL] 14. Provide the TLS secret for ingressHints: [Enter TLS secret name]

If the above choices were made Move2Kube creates the following artifacts:

apiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentmetadata:  annotations: "true"  creationTimestamp: null  labels: "true" tomcat  name: tomcatspec:  replicas: 2  selector:    matchLabels: tomcat  strategy: {}  template:    metadata:      annotations: "true"      creationTimestamp: null      labels: "true" tomcat      name: tomcat    spec:      containers:        - image: adapter:poc          imagePullPolicy: Always          name: tomcat          ports:            - containerPort: 8080              protocol: TCP            - containerPort: 8443              protocol: TCP          resources: {}          volumeMounts:            - mountPath: /run/secrets/rji_license.json              name: vol16871681589659214643            - mountPath: /usr/local/tomcat/conf/ssl.crt              name: vol12635587774184387470            - mountPath: /usr/local/tomcat/conf/ssl.key              name: vol7446232639477381794            - mountPath: /usr/local/tomcat/conf/server.xml              name: vol4920239289720818926      restartPolicy: Always      volumes:        - hostPath:            path: /Users/ashok/wksps/hc/temp/test2/src/license.json          name: vol16871681589659214643        - hostPath:            path: /Users/ashok/wksps/hc/temp/test2/src/certificates/ssl.crt          name: vol12635587774184387470        - hostPath:            path: /Users/ashok/wksps/hc/temp/test2/src/certificates/ssl.key          name: vol7446232639477381794        - hostPath:            path: /Users/ashok/wksps/hc/temp/test2/src/server.xml          name: vol4920239289720818926    status: {}


apiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentmetadata:  annotations: "true"  creationTimestamp: null  labels: "true" mysql  name: mysqlspec:  replicas: 2  selector:    matchLabels: mysql  strategy: {}  template:    metadata:      annotations: "true"      creationTimestamp: null      labels: "true" mysql      name: mysql    spec:      containers:        - env:            - name: MYSQL_USER              value: integrationdb            - name: MYSQL_PASSWORD              value: password            - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD              value: password          image: db:poc          imagePullPolicy: Always          name: mysql          ports:            - containerPort: 3306              protocol: TCP          resources: {}          volumeMounts:            - mountPath: /var/lib/mysql              name: vol17655897939759777588      restartPolicy: Always      volumes:        - name: vol17655897939759777588          persistentVolumeClaim:            claimName: vol17655897939759777588status: {}


apiVersion: v1kind: PersistentVolumeClaimmetadata:  creationTimestamp: null  name: vol17655897939759777588spec:  resources:    requests:      storage: 100Mi  storageClassName: default  volumeName: vol17655897939759777588status: {}

Essentially depending on your choice Move2Kube will create the appropriate artifacts for you.

You can check out how it works in