Define Kubernetes Custom Resource requiring one of the following fields or no fields Define Kubernetes Custom Resource requiring one of the following fields or no fields kubernetes kubernetes

Define Kubernetes Custom Resource requiring one of the following fields or no fields

OpenAPI 3.1

You can use 'null' (with quotes).

oneOf:  - type: 'null'

Or an object with a property of type null.

oneOf:  - NullObjectExample:    type: object    properties:      prop1:        type: 'null'

OpenAPI 3.0

There is no null type, but you can use a nullable string. You may want to add a description stating this is expected to be null at all times.

oneOf:  - type: string    nullable: true

Or again, an object with a nullable string property.

oneOf:  - NullObjectExample:    type: object    properties:      prop1:        type: string        nullable: true

Why No Empty Object

In addition to not making intent clear, this presents a possible security vulnerability. See this page for an explanation. In short:

If you do not clearly define the schema and you leave properties of a JSON payload empty, you effectively allow attackers to pass in any data. This means that you are opening your backend to various attacks, such as SQL injection.