Define multiple caches configurations with Spring and Caffeine Define multiple caches configurations with Spring and Caffeine kubernetes kubernetes

Define multiple caches configurations with Spring and Caffeine

You can declare many cache configurations programmatically instead of using yaml.

Something like this:

@Configuration@EnableCachingpublic class CacheConfig {    public static final String CACHE_A = "cacheA";    public static final String CACHE_B = "cacheB";    public static final String CACHE_C = "cacheC";    @Bean    public CacheManager cacheManagerTicker(Ticker ticker) {              List<Cache> caches = new ArrayList<>();              // Cache A       caches.add(this.buildCache(CACHE_A, ticker, 2000L, 1L, TimeUnit.HOURS));              // Cache B       caches.add(this.buildCache(CACHE_B, ticker, 2000L, 1L, TimeUnit.HOURS));              // Cache C       caches.add(this.buildCache(CACHE_C, ticker, 3500L, 15L, TimeUnit.MINUTES));              SimpleCacheManager cacheManager = new SimpleCacheManager();       cacheManager.setCaches(caches);       return cacheManager;    }        private CaffeineCache buildCache(String cacheName, Ticker ticker, Long maxSize, Long ttl, TimeUnit ttlUnit){            Caffeine<Object, Object> cacheBuilder = Caffeine.newBuilder();        // TTL        if (ttl != null && ttl > 0 && ttlUnit != null){            cacheBuilder.expireAfterWrite(ttl, ttlUnit);        }                // Max size        if (maxSize != null && maxSize > 0){            cacheBuilder.maximumSize(maxSize);        }                // Ticker        cacheBuilder.ticker(ticker);                return new CaffeineCache(cacheName,;    }        @Bean    public Ticker ticker() {        return Ticker.systemTicker();    }    }