Delete k8s resources of a service deployed through "jx preview" and "jx promote" respectively in "preview" and "jx-staging" environments Delete k8s resources of a service deployed through "jx preview" and "jx promote" respectively in "preview" and "jx-staging" environments kubernetes kubernetes

Delete k8s resources of a service deployed through "jx preview" and "jx promote" respectively in "preview" and "jx-staging" environments

resources associated with Preview environments are garbage collected when the Pull Request associated with a Preview is closed. This works via a background CronJob which runs the jx gc previews command. You can eagerly run this yourself too.

If you really want to delete a preview by hand manually you can use jx delete preview.

The above works for previews. If you want to remove something from Staging or Production just modify the env/requirements.yaml file via a pull request or use jx delete application