Deploying .Net Core WebApi Docker Image to Azure Kubernetes Service using Nginx Ingress Controller Deploying .Net Core WebApi Docker Image to Azure Kubernetes Service using Nginx Ingress Controller kubernetes kubernetes

Deploying .Net Core WebApi Docker Image to Azure Kubernetes Service using Nginx Ingress Controller

Looks like you messed up your ingress object. I assume you want to rewrite the /demo path to / so that paths like: /demo/foo/bar are rewritten to /foo/bar.

Here is the rewrite explained.

Here is the example:

kind: IngressapiVersion:  name: econnect-ingress  namespace: development  annotations: nginx /$2 'false'spec:  rules:    - http:        paths:          - path: /demo(/|$)(.*)            pathType: Prefix            backend:              serviceName: weather-forecast-webapi-service-clusterip              servicePort: 80

Notice that all I changed is path and rewtire-tager group number. In /demo(/|$)(.*) the brackets () create a group that is referenced in rewrite-target: /$2. The $1 is referencing the first group: / or end of string, and the second group is everything after it; so you copy everything after the /demo/ and make it a new path.