Different ingress in different Namespace in kubernetes Different ingress in different Namespace in kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

Different ingress in different Namespace in kubernetes

I actually Solved my problem. I did everything correct. But only thing I did not do is to map the hostname with the same ip in Route53. And instead of accessing the website with hostname, I was accessing it from IP. Now after accessing the website from hostname, I was able to access it :)

Seems like you posted here and got your answer. The solution is to deploy a different Ingress for each namespace. However, deploying 2 Ingresses complicates matters because one instance has to run on a non-standard port (eg. 8080, 8443).

I think this is better solved using DNS. Create the CNAME records cafe-qa.example.com and cafe-dev.example.com both pointing to cafe.example.com. Update each Ingress manifest accordingly. Using DNS is somewhat the standard way to separate the Dev/QA/Prod environments.

Had the same issue, found a way to resolve it:

you just need to add the "--watch-namespace" argument to the ingress controller that sits under the ingress service that you've linked to your ingress resource. Then it will be bound only to the services within the same namespace as the ingress service and its pods belong to.

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1kind: Deploymentmetadata:namespace:  my-namespacename: nginx-ingress-controllerspec:   replicas: 1selector:  matchLabels:    name: nginx-ingress-lbtemplate:   metadata:     labels:       name: nginx-ingress-lb  spec:    serviceAccountName: ingress-account    containers:       - args:           - /nginx-ingress-controller          - "--default-backend-service=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/default-http-backend"          - "--default-ssl-certificate=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/secret-tls"          - "--watch-namespace=$(POD_NAMESPACE)"        env:           - name: POD_NAME            valueFrom:               fieldRef:                 fieldPath: metadata.name          - name: POD_NAMESPACE            valueFrom:               fieldRef:                 fieldPath: metadata.namespace        name: nginx-ingress-controller        image: "quay.io/kubernetes-ingress-controller/nginx-ingress-controller:0.24.1"        livenessProbe:           httpGet:             path: /healthz            port: 10254            scheme: HTTP        ports:           - containerPort: 80            name: http            protocol: TCP          - containerPort: 443            name: https            protocol: TCP---apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:namespace:  my-namespacename: nginx-ingressspec:  type: LoadBalancer  ports:  - name: https    port: 443    targetPort: https  selector:    name: nginx-ingress-lb