Docker and service clusters Docker and service clusters kubernetes kubernetes

Docker and service clusters

However, the one issue that we haven't really seen any answers for is how to allow clustered services to connect to each other correctly.

I think you're talking about HA/replicated/sharded apps here.

At the moment, in kubernetes, you can accomplish this by making an api call listing all the "endpoints" of the service; that will tell you where your peers are running.

We'd eventually like to support the use case you describe in a more first-class manner.

I filed to maybe get something more standardized started here.

I also wanted to setup an ElasticSearch cluster using Mesos/Marathon. As the existing "solutions" either were merely undocumented, or not working/outdated, I set up my own container.

If you like, have a look at

If you have a running Marathon installation (I use v0.8.1), then setting up an ElasticSearch cluster should be a matter of a few minutes.


The container now uses Elasticsearch v1.5.2 and is able to run on the latest Marathon v0.8.2.

As for Kubernetes, it currently does require kube-controllers-manager to start with --machines argument given a list of minion IPs or hostnames.