Docker nuget connection timeout Docker nuget connection timeout kubernetes kubernetes

Docker nuget connection timeout

I fix this issue by passing argument --disable-parallel to restore command which Disables restoring multiple projects in parallel.

RUN dotnet restore --disable-parallel

i have exactly same behaviour:i have solution with contains several nuget dependenciesit build without any issue on local build without any issue on windows build agentit build without any issue on docker host machinebut then i try to build it in build agent in docker - i have a lot of message such following:

Failed to download package 'System.Threading.4.0.11' from ''.  The download of '' timed out because no data was received for 60000ms

i can ping and curl page from normally from docker container.

so i think this is some special case. i found some info about MTU but i'm not tested it.

UPDATE initial problem may be connect to k8s - my container work inside k8s cluster based on ubuntu 18.04 with flannel ang k8s v1.16on my local machine (win based) all works without any issue... but it is strange because i have many services that works in this cluster without any problems! (such harbor, graylog, jaeger etc)

UPDATE 2 ok, now i can understand anything. i try to execute


and can get file content without any errors

after this i try to run


and package downloaded successfully

but after i run dotnet restore i still receive errors with timeout

UPDATE 3i try to reproduce problem not in k8s cluster but in docker locallyi run container

docker run -it -v d:/project/test:/mnt/proj teamcity-agent-core3.1 bash

teamcity-buildagent-core3.1 - my image based on jetbrains/teamcity-agent which contains .net core 3.1 sdk.

and then execute command inside interactive session:

dotnet restore test.sln

with failed with following messages:

Failed to download package 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.4.3.0' from ''.   Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.  The download of '' timed out because no data was received for 60000ms.    Exception of type 'System.TimeoutException' was thrown.

I had a similar issue. The mistake I was doing was not specifying the exact dotnet version on the docker image.

FROM AS build

My project targets dotnet 2.2. What I did not know was this was pulling the latest dotnet SDK 3.1. So when the dotnet restore ran, it was timing out.

So this is what I did.

FROM AS build

I had to specify a specific version. I'm not sure if this is relation to your problem but I hope it send you in the right direction. Always be explicit with the image version.