Docker push intermittent failure to private docker registry on kubernetes (docker-desktop) Docker push intermittent failure to private docker registry on kubernetes (docker-desktop) kubernetes kubernetes

Docker push intermittent failure to private docker registry on kubernetes (docker-desktop)

Try configure --max-concurrent-uploads=1 for your docker client. You are pushing quite large layers (350MB), so probably you are hitting some limits (request sizes, timeouts) somewhere. Single concurrent upload may help you, but it is only a work around. Real solution will be configuration (buffer sizes, timeouts, ...) of registry + reverse proxy in front of registry eventually.

It may be a disk space issue. If you store docker images inside the Docker VM you can fill up the disk space quite fast.

By default, docker-desktop VM disk space is limited to 64 gigabytes. You can increase it up to 112Gb on the "Disk" tab in Docker Preferences.

I have encountered this issues quite few times and unfortunately couldn't get to the permanent fix.

Most likely the image should have been corrupted in the registry. As a work around, i suggest you delete the image from registry and do a fresh push. it would work and subsequent pushes would work too.

This issue must be related to the missing layers of the image. sometimes we delete the image using --force option, in that case it is possible that some of the common layers might get deleted and would affect other images that share the deleted layers.