Does Airflow Kubernetes Executor run any operator? Does Airflow Kubernetes Executor run any operator? kubernetes kubernetes

Does Airflow Kubernetes Executor run any operator?

Kubernetes executor will work with all operators.
Using the kubernetes executor will create a worker pod for every task instead of using the celery worker as the celery executor will.

Using the KubernetesPodOperator will pull any specific image to launch a pod and execute your task.
So if you are to use the KubernetesPodOperator with the KubernetesExecutor, Airflow will launch a worker pod for your task, and that task will launch a pod and monitor its execution. 2 pods for 1 task.

If you use a BashOperator with the KubernetesExecutor, Airflow will launch a worker pod and execute bash commands on that worker pod. 1 pod for 1 task.