Does kubernetes require internet access when using a private registry? Does kubernetes require internet access when using a private registry? kubernetes kubernetes

Does kubernetes require internet access when using a private registry?

you need to pass an argument --pod-infra-container-image to a kubelet as documented here: defaults to, which in unsuccessfuly pulled on your machine since is unavailable.

You can easily transfer the pause image to you private registry

docker pull tag REGISTRY.PRIVATE/google_containers/pause-amd64:3.0docker push REGISTRY.PRIVATE/google_containers/pause-amd64:3.0# and passkubelet --pod-infra-container-image=REGISTRY.PRIVATE/google_containers/pause-amd64:3.0 ...

The pause is a container is created prior your container in order to allocate and keep network and ipc namespaces over restarts.

Kubernetes does not need any internet access for normal operation when all required containers and components are provided by the private repository. A good starting point is the Bare Metal offline provisioning guide.

they do not need Internet access but your not getting access to the private registry your designating. have you looked at it has a couple good options on how to get access to the private registry. also has some details on it. we do the specifing imagePullSecrets and it works fine