eks autoscaller and harbor registry with self signed certificate eks autoscaller and harbor registry with self signed certificate kubernetes kubernetes

eks autoscaller and harbor registry with self signed certificate

The above queries could be resolved in multiple ways. I will share the 2 of them here -

IF you are using EKS managed Nodegroup or custom nodegroup.

If you are using AWS Managed nodegroup.

a) On this case, please create an ami image of the node that has the registry script running, please ensure you have it running at bootup before you create the ami image.

b) Once you are done with the point in (a), please provision the AWS managed nodegroup to use the ami image that you created. If you are using terraform or any other infra provision tool, you can make the changes.

Custom Nodegroup - If you are using custom nodegroup

a) Create an ami image of that node.

# aws --profile $PROFILE --region $REGION ec2 create-image --instance-id ${INSTANCE_ID} --name ${INSTANCE_NAME}-image-at-${BUILD_TIMESTAMP} --description 'Snapshot of ${INSTANCE_NAME} taken at ${BUILD_TIMESTAMP}' --no-reboot --output text"

b) Create a new Launch configuration by running the following command:

# aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration --launch-configuration-name <${LAUNCH_TEMPLATE_NAME}> --image-id <${image-id}> --instance-id <${instance-id}>

c) Update the autoscaling group

# aws --profile <$PROFILE> --region <$REGION> autoscaling update-auto-scaling-group --auto-scaling-group-name <$ASG_NAME> --launch-configuration-name <LAUNCH_TEMPLATE_NAME>"

Incase of custom managed nodegroup, you can also set bootstrap parameters.unlike AWS Managed nodegroup. as I write today, till date, there is no way to bootstrap argument to the managed nondegroup. it may come on the later phase but we dont have that options as of now in the time of this writing.