ELB(Classic Load Balancer) Proxy Protocol Not working on Kubernetes Cluster ELB(Classic Load Balancer) Proxy Protocol Not working on Kubernetes Cluster kubernetes kubernetes

ELB(Classic Load Balancer) Proxy Protocol Not working on Kubernetes Cluster

Yes, setting this annotation is enough to enable Proxy Protocol v1 at Load Balancer level (ELB Classic).

service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-proxy-protocol: "*"

I`m having ingress-nginx controller exposed via LoadBalancer Service type with aforementioned annotation, and when run it with logging level set to debug, I can see that each client request retains real Source IP: - [] - - [08/Feb/2019:18:02:43 +0000] "PROXY TCP4 xxx.xxx.xxx.xx 172.20.xx.xxx 42795 80" 400 157 "-" "-" 0 0.172 []

xxx.xxx.xxx.xx - is my private ip address, not LB one.

The other thing is to enable Proxy Protocol at LB`s backend, so that it can understand forwarded client requests correctly (here are described steps for NGINX).