ELK to monitor Kubernetes ELK to monitor Kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

ELK to monitor Kubernetes

Have you tried fluentd? Logging agent that collects logs and able to ship logs to Elastic search.


I just found some examples in kops repo. You can check here

You can run filebeat to collect logs from kubernetes.Follow the instruction of documentation on link:

After you download kubernetes.yaml change:

- name: ELASTICSEARCH_HOST  value: [your elastic search domain]- name: ELASTICSEARCH_PORT  value: "9200"- name: ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME  value: elastic- name: ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD  value: changeme

Pay attention! You need admin privileges for creating filebeat ServiceAccount

We can use EFK stack for Kubernetes Logging and Monitoring. We need a Kubernetes cluster with following capabilities.

  1. Ability to run privileged containers.
  2. Helm and tiller enabled.
  3. Statefulsets and dynamic volume provisioning capability: Elasticsearch is deployed as stateful set on Kubernetes. It’s best to use latest version of Kubernetes (v 1.10 as of this writing)

Please refer https://platform9.com/blog/kubernetes-logging-and-monitoring-the-elasticsearch-fluentd-and-kibana-efk-stack-part-2-elasticsearch-configuration/ for step by step guide.