Error {"message":"failure to get a peer from the ring-balancer"} using kong ingress Error {"message":"failure to get a peer from the ring-balancer"} using kong ingress kubernetes kubernetes

Error {"message":"failure to get a peer from the ring-balancer"} using kong ingress

There could be one of many things wrong here. But essentially your ingress cannot get to your backend.

If your backend up and running?

  • Check backend pods are "Running"

    kubectl get pods
  • Check backend deployment has all replicas up

    kubectl get deploy
  • Connect to the app pod and run a localhost:80 request

    kubectl exec -it <pod-name> sh# curl http://localhost
  • Connect to the ingress pod and see if you can reach the service from there

    kubectl exec -it <ingress-pod-name> sh# dig voting-service  (can you DNS resolve it)# telnet voting-sevice 80# curl http://voting-service

This issue might shed some insights as to why you can't reach the backend service. What http error code are you seeing?

The problem is resolved after deploying services and deployments in kong namespace instead of default namespace. Now I can access the application with Kong ingress public IP.

Looks like kong ingress is not able to resolve DNS with headless DNS. We need mention FQDN in ingress yaml