Error "no persistent volumes available for this claim and no storage class is set" Error "no persistent volumes available for this claim and no storage class is set" kubernetes kubernetes

Error "no persistent volumes available for this claim and no storage class is set"

Back to your main question

Is it required to create the directory manually in nodes or will it be auto created by pv?

First of all, error in your output is not related with your question. As an answer for your question - Yes. It is crated by PV automatically.

In order to do achieve this, first you have to create StorageClass with no-provisioner as an example below

kind: StorageClassapiVersion:  name: manualprovisioner: WaitForFirstConsumer

Then you have to create PersistentVolume by defining this storageClassName and hostPath parameter like below:

apiVersion: v1kind: PersistentVolumemetadata:  name: zk1-pvspec:  storageClassName: manual  capacity:    storage: 1Gi  accessModes:  - ReadWriteOnce  hostPath:    path: /mr/zk

Then you have to create PVC and Pod/Deployment as an example below:

apiVersion: v1kind: PersistentVolumeClaimmetadata:  name: myclaimspec:  storageClassName: manual  accessModes:    - ReadWriteOnce  resources:    requests:      storage: 1Gi---apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata:  name: mypodspec:  containers:    - name: containerName      image:      volumeMounts:      - mountPath: "/var/www/html"        name: mypd  volumes:    - name: mypd      persistentVolumeClaim:        claimName: myclaim

Don't forget put storageClassName: manual parameter on both PVC and PV manifests. Otherwise they will not be able to bound to each other.

Hope it clears

You forgot to specify storageClassName: manual in PersistentVolumeClaim.