Exporting nodejs app to Kubernetes with BitBucket Exporting nodejs app to Kubernetes with BitBucket kubernetes kubernetes

Exporting nodejs app to Kubernetes with BitBucket

I had the exact same issue, and spent waay to long troubleshooting. So for anybody coming here later:

For me the problem was a repository value I added in the pipeline settings earlier called $KUBECONFIG.

After I deleted this value everything worked as it should.

So I hit a similar issue to this trying to set the KUBECONFIG environment variable.

The issue happening here is some tool or cli command is trying to set KUBECONFIG to something other than a file.

In my case I was trying to be clever with kind and do this

KUBECONFIG=$(kind get kubeconfig --name kind-3)

the issue is that will set KUBECONFIG to the VALUE that you want inside of a kubeconfig FILE instead of a path to that file as it should be


so what you really want is

kind get kubeconfig --name kind-3 > local-kind-3-kubeconfig.yamlexport KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/local-kind-3-kubeconfig.yaml

hopefully that saves someone (maybe me again ) in the future