Expose grafana publicly using istio Expose grafana publicly using istio kubernetes kubernetes

Expose grafana publicly using istio

There is a working example for istio with version 1.7.0

istioctl versionclient version: 1.7.0control plane version: 1.7.0data plane version: 1.7.0 (1 proxies)

1.I have used helm fetch to get prometheus operator.

helm fetch stable/prometheus-operator --untar

2.I changed these in values.yaml.

Grafana Service.

service:  portName: http-service  port: 3000  targetPort: 3000

Grafana host.

hosts:  - grafana.domain.com

3.I have created po namespace and installed prometheus operator

kubectl create namespace pohelm install prometheus-operator ./prometheus-operator -n po

4.I have checked the grafana service name with

kubectl get svc -n poprometheus-operator-grafana                    ClusterIP

5.I have used below yamls for istio, used grafana service name which is prometheus-operator-grafana as my virtual service and destination rule host.

apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3kind: Gatewaymetadata:  name: grafana-gateway  namespace: pospec:  selector:    istio: ingressgateway  servers:  - port:      number: 80      name: http-grafana      protocol: HTTP    hosts:    - "grafana.domain.com"---apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3kind: VirtualServicemetadata:  name: grafana-vs  namespace: pospec:  hosts:  - "grafana.domain.com"  gateways:  - grafana-gateway  http:  - route:    - destination:        host: prometheus-operator-grafana.po.svc.cluster.local        port:          number: 3000---apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3kind: DestinationRulemetadata:  name: grafana  namespace: pospec:  host: prometheus-operator-grafana.po.svc.cluster.local  trafficPolicy:    tls:      mode: DISABLE

5.Test with curl, it's 302 instead of 200 as we have to login.

curl -v -H "host: grafana.domain.com" xx.xx.xxx.xxx/GET / HTTP/1.1> Host: grafana.domain.com> User-Agent: curl/7.64.0> Accept: */*>< HTTP/1.1 302 Found

Let me know if it worked or if you have any other questions. Maybe there is a problem with the 1.4.3 version you use.