Failed to create pod sandbox kubernetes cluster Failed to create pod sandbox kubernetes cluster kubernetes kubernetes

Failed to create pod sandbox kubernetes cluster

Thank you all for responding to my question. I solved my problem now. For anyone who has come to my question in the future the solution was as followed.

I cloned my raspberry pi images because i wanted a basicConfig.img for when i needed to add a new node to my cluster of when one gets down.

Weave network (the plugin i used) got confused because on every node and master the os had the same machine-id. When i deleted the machine id and created a new one (and reboot the nodes) my error got fixed. The commands to do this was

sudo rm /etc/machine-idsudo rm /var/lib/dbus/machine-idsudo dbus-uuidgen --ensure=/etc/machine-id

Once again my patience was being tested. Because my kubernetes setup was normal and my raspberry pi os was normal. I founded this with the help of someone in the kubernetes community. This again shows us how important and great are IT community is. To the people of the future who will come to this question. I hope this solution will fix your error and will decrease the amount of time you will be searching after a stupid small thing.

Looking at the pertinent code in Kubernetes and in CNI, the specific error you see seems to indicate that it cannot find any files ending in .json, .conf or .conflist in the directory given.

This makes me think it could be something as the conf file not being present on all the hosts, so I would verify that as a first step.