Failed to send instantiate transaction and get notifications within the timeout period. undefined[fabric1.0 k8s] Failed to send instantiate transaction and get notifications within the timeout period. undefined[fabric1.0 k8s] kubernetes kubernetes

Failed to send instantiate transaction and get notifications within the timeout period. undefined[fabric1.0 k8s]

You didn't describe what runbook you followed to deploy Hyperledger Fabric but looks like your pods cannot find each other through DNS. If you are following Kubernetes standards your pods should be in the orderer1 namespace and hopefully, you have Kubernetes services for orderer0, orderer1, and orderer2.

You can read more about communication between the Fabric components here in the "Communication between Fabric components" section. Also, read on the "Work around the chaincode sandbox" where it shows you a workaround for --dns-search.

It looks like firewall problem.

In my case to run hlf on k8s, I disabled firewall service.