Failure to get cluster config - IBM Cloud Failure to get cluster config - IBM Cloud kubernetes kubernetes

Failure to get cluster config - IBM Cloud

I have seen problems using ibmcloud ks cluster-config with free clusters in the eu-gb region. If this applies to you, try using the appropriate regional endpoint to see if it helps.

For example:

ibmcloud ks init --host


The command for obtaining the cluster configuration is:

USAGE:       ibmcloud ks cluster-config --cluster <cluster name or ID> [--admin] [--export] [--yaml] [--network] [--skip-rbac]

It seems you are omitting the --cluster part. I just checked and it gives the error message you are reporting.

ibmcloud ks clusters lists the clusters and their resource groups. Run ibmcloud target and check that the resource group matches the cluster's group. Else, run ibmcloud target -g the-resource-group to switch to it.

P.S.: Are you using the latest version of the ks plugin?

Edit: I no longer think unique naming is the issue

Perhaps you should remake your cluster with a unique name (not "mycluster")

If I recall correctly I received an error when my cluster name was not unique. My colleague did not get this error when he created his cluster with the name "mycluster", but he's running into the same problem as you.