Feedback Loop implementation in CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins and kubernetes Feedback Loop implementation in CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins and kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

Feedback Loop implementation in CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins and kubernetes

The method of getting deployment feedback depends on your service and your choice.For example, you can check if the container is up or check one of the rest URL.

I use this stage as a final stage to check the service:

 stage('feedback'){        sleep(time:10,unit:"SECONDS")        def get = new URL("").openConnection();        def getRC = get.getResponseCode();        println(getRC);        if(getRC.equals(200)) {            println(get.getInputStream().getText());        }        else{            error("Service is not started yet.")          }    }

Jenkins can notify users about failed tests(jobs) with sending email or json notify. read more:

If you want continuous monitoring for the deployed product, you need monitoring tools which are different from Jenkins.

This is a sample picture for some popular tools of each part of DevOps:enter image description here