FluentD log unreadable. it is excluded and would be examined next time FluentD log unreadable. it is excluded and would be examined next time kubernetes kubernetes

FluentD log unreadable. it is excluded and would be examined next time

I faced a similar issue.So, what actually happens is -

1. Fluentd creates a symbolic links in /var/log/containers/ which are further a symbolic link of files that are in /var/log/pods/ like -

root@fluentd-forwarders-5bfzm:/home/fluent# ls -ltr /var/log/containers/consul-0_default_consul-c4dbf47bf46b4cacfb0db67885fdba73835e05b45b14ec7dc746cc2d5ed92ea3.log lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 83 Oct 30 07:42 /var/log/containers/consul-0_default_consul-c4dbf47bf46b4cacfb0db67885fdba73835e05b45b14ec7dc746cc2d5ed92ea3.log -> /var/log/pods/default_consul-0_2a206546-73b3-4d05-bd7a-0b307c8b24d1/consul/1628.log

2. /var/log/pods are symbolic links of the log files mounted at host. In my setup I am using /data/ directory of host/node to store docker data.

root@fluentd-forwarders-5bfzm:/home/fluent# ls -ltr /var/log/pods/default_consul-0_2a206546-73b3-4d05-bd7a-0b307c8b24d1/consul/1629.log lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 162 Oct 30 07:47 /var/log/pods/default_consul-0_2a206546-73b3-4d05-bd7a-0b307c8b24d1/consul/1629.log -> /data/docker/containers/478642a56a6e15e7398391a2526ec52ad1aa24341e95aa32063163da11f4cc8b/478642a56a6e15e7398391a2526ec52ad1aa24341e95aa32063163da11f4cc8b-json.log

So, in my deployment.yaml I had to mount /data/docker/containers rather /var/lib/containers/ to solve the issue i.e

        volumeMounts:        - mountPath: /var/log          name: varlog        - mountPath: /data/docker/containers          name: datadockercontainers          readOnly: true        - mountPath: /fluentd/etc          name: config-path

May colachg suggestion help you:

I think that kubelet create some symbolic links in '/var/log/containers'(just links not real file), so you must mount both links and real files or only mount real file with right fluentd.conf.

As you defined /var/log in the list, the others /var/log/... are duplicated.

Remove /var/log

Check with kubectl describe pod fluentd-...whether all volumes were mounted properly.