Generating certificate for local dev environment in WSL2 Generating certificate for local dev environment in WSL2 kubernetes kubernetes

Generating certificate for local dev environment in WSL2

Ok, got this figured out with some help:

This is what worked for my use case. Granted, I didn't test it without installing mkcert into WSL, so that step may not be necessary:

  1. Use choco to install mkcert: choco install -y mkcert
  2. In Windows, mkcert -install
  3. WSL install mkcert (again, not 100% sure this is necessary):
    curl -Lo mkcert &&   sudo install mkcert /usr/local/bin/
  4. In WSL, mkcert -install (again, not 100% sure this is necessary)
  5. In Windows:
    mkcert localhost ::1
  6. This will generate them in your C:\Users\<user>\ directory by default
  7. Copy them into WSL, which for my use case is the root of my project
  8. Then for my use case I run:
    kubectl create secret tls tls-localhost-dev --key=localhost+2-key.pem --cert=localhost+2.pem -n dev 
  9. For my use case, I then run kubectl apply -f k8s/dev/tls.yaml which contains:
     apiVersion: kind: Issuer metadata:   name: letsencrypt-dev-issuer   namespace: cert-manager spec:   ca:     secretName: tls-localhost-dev --- apiVersion: kind: Certificate metadata:   name: letsencrypt-dev-certificate   namespace: cert-manager spec:   secretName: tls-localhost-dev   dnsNames:     - localhost   issuerRef:     name: letsencrypt-dev-issuer     kind: Issuer

This time after running skaffold dev, and minikube tunnel, my app is running with the TLS certificates like it should be.