google/cadvisor:latest image monitor container run error google/cadvisor:latest image monitor container run error kubernetes kubernetes

google/cadvisor:latest image monitor container run error

for me, it worked with the next docker-compose setup. It's true I have not tested it completely. I will update the post as soon as possible. But if it helps up to this moment to someone, perfect.

  cadvisor:  image: google/cadvisor:latest  container_name: monitoring_cadvisor  restart: unless-stopped  volumes:    - /:/rootfs:ro    - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:rw    - /sys:/sys:ro    - /var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:ro  expose:    - 8080  ports:    - 8084:8080

I updated the docker.sock path. cadvisor wasn't able to find the containers without the direct link.


It looks like you're hitting the issue fixed in the link you mentioned. That fix has not yet been incorporated into a cAdvisor release, so it is not included when you run the docker image google/cadvisor:latest (assuming you didn't build your own image and tag it with that).

You can try building and running your own docker image from master, or wait for the next patch release (should be soon), which will include that fix.


The fix has now been incorporated into cAdvisor v0.24.1 (docker image google/cadvisor:v0.24.1)