Horizontal pod autoscaling not working: `unable to get metrics for resource cpu: no metrics returned from heapster` Horizontal pod autoscaling not working: `unable to get metrics for resource cpu: no metrics returned from heapster` kubernetes kubernetes

Horizontal pod autoscaling not working: `unable to get metrics for resource cpu: no metrics returned from heapster`

You can remove the LIMITS from your deployments and try it. In my deployment, I used only REQUESTS for RESOURCES and it worked. If you see the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) is working then later you can play with LIMITS as well. This discussion tells you that only using REQUESTS is sufficient to do the HPA.

there is an option to enable autscaling on cluster pool make sure to turn it on first.

and then apply your hpa, and don't forgot to set cpu, memory requests,limits on k8s controllers

one thing to note is if you have multiple containers on your pod, you should then to specify cpu, memory requests,limits for each container

If in your deployment you have more than one container, make sure that you have specified the resource limits in all of them.