How can I access nginx ingress on my local? How can I access nginx ingress on my local? kubernetes kubernetes

How can I access nginx ingress on my local?

I have managed to create Ingress resource in Kubernetes on Docker in Windows.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Enable Hyper-V
  • Install Docker for Windows and enable Kubernetes
  • Connect kubectl
  • Enable Ingress
  • Create deployment
  • Create service
  • Create ingress resource
  • Add host into local hosts file
  • Test

Enable Hyper-V

From Powershell with administrator access run below command:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V -All

System could ask you to reboot your machine.

Install Docker for Windows and enable Kubernetes

Install Docker application with all the default options and enable Kubernetes

Connect kubectl

Install kubectl .

Enable Ingress

Run this commands:

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

Edit: Make sure no other service is using port 80

Restart your machine. From a cmd prompt running as admin, do:net stop httpStop the listed services using services.msc

Use: netstat -a -n -o -b and check for other processes listening on port 80.

Create deployment

Below is simple deployment with pods that will reply to requests:

apiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentmetadata:  name: hellospec:  selector:    matchLabels:      app: hello      version: 2.0.0  replicas: 3  template:    metadata:      labels:        app: hello        version: 2.0.0    spec:      containers:      - name: hello        image: ""        env:        - name: "PORT"          value: "50001"

Apply it by running command:

$ kubectl apply -f file_name.yaml

Create service

For pods to be able for you to communicate with them you need to create a service.

Example below:

apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata:  name: hello-servicespec:  type: NodePort  selector:    app: hello    version: 2.0.0  ports:  - name: http    protocol: TCP    port: 80    targetPort: 50001

Apply this service definition by running command:

$ kubectl apply -f file_name.yaml

Create Ingress resource

Below is simple Ingress resource using service created above:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1kind: Ingressmetadata:  name: hello-ingress spec:  rules:  - host: kubernetes.docker.internal    http:      paths:      - path: /        backend:          serviceName: hello-service           servicePort: http

Take a look at:

spec:  rules:  - host: hello-test.internal 

hello-test.internal will be used as the hostname to connect to your pods.

Apply your Ingress resource by invoking command:

$ kubectl apply -f file_name.yaml

Add host into local hosts file

I found this Github link that will allow you to connect to your Ingress resource by hostname.

To achieve that add a line hello-test.internal to your C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file and save it. You will need Administrator privileges to do that.

Edit: The newest version of Docker Desktop for Windows already adds a hosts file entry: kubernetes.docker.internal


Display the information about Ingress resources by invoking command: kubectl get ingress

It should show:

NAME            HOSTS                 ADDRESS     PORTS   AGEhello-ingress   hello-test.internal   localhost   80      6m2s

Now you can access your Ingress resource by opening your web browser and typing


The browser should output:

Hello, world!Version: 2.0.0Hostname: hello-84d554cbdf-2lr76

Hostname: hello-84d554cbdf-2lr76 is the name of the pod that replied.

If this solution is not working please check connections with the command: netstat -a -n -o (with Administrator privileges) if something is not using port 80.

On Windows the Kubernetes cluster is running in a VM. Try to access ingress on that VM-s IP address instead of localhost.

i was facing similar issue while deploying ingress-nginx controller using the manual steps mentioned for bareMetal node at ingress-nginx-deploy however was facing an issue , however referred to the link Github link mentioned by @RMorrisey which leads to other threads where they have mentioned to install ingress-nginx using the steps mentioned for mac and it worked without making cny changes to host file , etc