How can I configure NGINX ingress controller to work with Cloudflare and Digital Ocean Load Balancer? How can I configure NGINX ingress controller to work with Cloudflare and Digital Ocean Load Balancer? kubernetes kubernetes

How can I configure NGINX ingress controller to work with Cloudflare and Digital Ocean Load Balancer?

The problem you are facing is here:

proxy-real-ip-cidr: ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2400:cb00::/32,2606:4700::/32,2803:f800::/32,2405:b500::/32,2405:8100::/32,2a06:98c0::/29,2c0f:f248::/32"

However, the traffic being seen is coming from your DO LB instead 10.x.x.x. This is causing it to be ignored for this rule.

I did the following to get it functional:

apiVersion: v1data:  enable-real-ip: "true"  server-snippet: |    real_ip_header CF-Connecting-IP;kind: ConfigMapmetadata:[...]

Security Notice: This will apply to all traffic even if it didn't originate from Cloudflare itself. As such, someone could spoof the headers on the request to impersonate another IP address.