How can I use Github packages Docker registry in Kubernetes dockerconfigjson? How can I use Github packages Docker registry in Kubernetes dockerconfigjson? kubernetes kubernetes

How can I use Github packages Docker registry in Kubernetes dockerconfigjson?

  1. Create new Github Personal Access Token with read:packages scope at
  2. Base-64 encode <your-github-username>:<TOKEN>, ie.:

    $ echo -n VojtechVitek:4eee0faaab222ab333aa444aeee0eee7ccc555b7 | base64<AUTH>

    Note: Make sure not to encode a newline character at the end of the string.

  3. Create secret

    A) Create secret manually:

    $ echo '{"auths":{"":{"auth":"<AUTH>"}}}' | kubectl create secret generic dockerconfigjson-github-com --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=/dev/stdin

    B) Or, create .yml file that can be used in kubectl apply -f:

    kind: Secrettype: v1metadata:  name: dockerconfigjson-github-comstringData:  .dockerconfigjson: {"auths":{"":{"auth":"<AUTH>"}}}

    Note for GitOps: I strongly recommend not to store the above file in plain-text in your git repository. Hydrate the value in your CD pipeline or encrypt/seal the file with tools like or

  4. Now, you can reference the above secret from your pod's spec definition via imagePullSecrets field:

    spec:  containers:  - name: your-container-name    image:<ORG>/<REPO>/<PKG>:<TAG>  imagePullSecrets:  - name: dockerconfigjson-github-com

I had to migrate from to to get this to work with containerd:

Don't forget to create the token with read:packages:

kubectl create secret docker-registry dockerconfigjson-github-com \ --dry-run=true \ --docker-server= \ --docker-username=<username> \ --docker-password=<> \ --namespace=default -o yaml

Add the pull secret:

spec:  containers:  - name: your-container-name    image:<ORG>/<REPO>/<PKG>:<TAG>  imagePullSecrets:  - name: dockerconfigjson-github-com