How could I list the images pushed to microk8s built-in registry How could I list the images pushed to microk8s built-in registry kubernetes kubernetes

How could I list the images pushed to microk8s built-in registry

I found that it's possible to list the registry images via HTTP GET in this address:http://<host_ip>:32000/v2/_catalog

It'll return the images in a json response

Use command microk8s ctr images list. To know more use --help

microk8s ctr images --helpNAME:   ctr images - manage imagesUSAGE:   ctr images command [command options] [arguments...]COMMANDS:     check       check that an image has all content available locally     export      export an image     import      import images     list, ls    list images known to containerd     pull        pull an image from a remote     push        push an image to a remote     remove, rm  remove one or more images by reference     label       set and clear labels for an imageOPTIONS:   --help, -h  show help

Following REST APIs will do the job:

  1. Listing repositories:


Last parameter n is the size of records to be returned. One can skip passing it but if you expect a long list then it's better to use pagination.

  1. Listing the images in the repository


Note: Replace host and repositoryName accordingly.

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