How do I ssh to nodes in ACS Kubernetes cluster? How do I ssh to nodes in ACS Kubernetes cluster? kubernetes kubernetes

How do I ssh to nodes in ACS Kubernetes cluster?

You can use one of the k8s masters as a "bastion host" and avoid copying the keys over. Eg:

# In ~/.ssh/configHost agent1_private_ip agent2_private_ip ....  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<your_k8s_cluster_key>  ProxyCommand ssh user@master_public_ip -W %h:%p

Now just ssh user@agent1_private_ip

See more here:

PS: Here's a quickie to retrieve your agent private ips, in /etc/hosts format:

kubectl get nodes -o json | jq -r '.items[].status.addresses[].address' | paste - -

You could copy the private key to your master VM. Then you could use ssh -i <path>/id_rsa user@<agent private IP> to k8s agent VM.

Note: agent's user name and private key is same with master VM.

Microsoft has released official docs at The idea is to SSH into an interactive POD session and use that as jump host to the agent node.