How do you configure a TCP liveness probe with container-to-container networking in a k8s pod? How do you configure a TCP liveness probe with container-to-container networking in a k8s pod? kubernetes kubernetes

How do you configure a TCP liveness probe with container-to-container networking in a k8s pod?

Here is an example deployment using TCP liveness probe, TCP readiness probe and networking between containers in a pod with the server containers port exposed:


apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1kind: Deploymentmetadata:  name: testspec:  template:    metadata:      labels:        app: test    spec:      containers:      - name: server        image: alpine        command:        - '/bin/sh'         - '-c'        - 'nc -p 8080 -kle echo pong'        livenessProbe:          tcpSocket:            port: 8080        readinessProbe:          tcpSocket:            port: 8080        ports:        - containerPort: 8080      - name: client        image: alpine        command:        - '/bin/sh'        - '-c'        - 'while true; do echo -e | nc localhost 8080; sleep 1; done'

Creating and verifying the deployment:

> kubectl create -f test.yml> kubectl get pod -l app=testNAME                   READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGEtest-620943134-fzm05   2/2       Running   0          1m> kubectl log test-620943134-fzm05 clientpongpongpong[]