How do you link Pachyderm with the correct Kubernetes context? How do you link Pachyderm with the correct Kubernetes context? kubernetes kubernetes

How do you link Pachyderm with the correct Kubernetes context?

You can specify the port if you want, as a different one using -p flag as mentioned in docs Is there a reason of not doing it?

Also starting processes in background and then sending it a SIGKILL causes the resources to be unallocated properly so when you try to join again you might see it giving errors since it cannot allocate the same port again. So try running it without & at the end.

So whenever you change the context all you need to do is CTRL + C and start it again, this will release the resources properly and gain thema gain.

Just wanted to update this answer for anyone who finds it—pachctl now supports contexts, and a Pachyderm context includes a reference to its associated kubectl context. When you switch to a new pachctl context, pachctl will now use the associated kubectl context automatically (you'll still need to switch contexts in kubectl)