How Kubernetes Pulls Image from outer respository? Where is the image stored? How Kubernetes Pulls Image from outer respository? Where is the image stored? kubernetes kubernetes

How Kubernetes Pulls Image from outer respository? Where is the image stored?

Each of the minions (workers) will pull the docker image and store it locally. docker image ls will show the list of image on the minions.

To address where are the images are stored. Take a look at SO answer here.

Who is downloading the image from dockerhub?

The Kubernetes itself doesn't pull anything. Images are downloading via runtime'a client, e.g Docker

When a the image is pulled, is it stored in any local folder in kubernetes?

Again, it is the runtime's task. Depending on the runtime and its configuration it might be different. In case of Docker it will be like it described in @Praveen Sripati's link