how to access local kubernetes minikube dashboard remotely how to access local kubernetes minikube dashboard remotely kubernetes kubernetes

how to access local kubernetes minikube dashboard remotely

I was able to get running with something as simple as:

kubectl proxy --address='' --disable-filter=true

@Jeff provided the perfect answer, put more hints for newbies.

  1. Start a proxy using @Jeff's script, as default it will open a proxy on ''.

    kubectl proxy --address='' --disable-filter=true
  2. Visit the dashboard via the link below:

    curl http://your_api_server_ip:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/http:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/

More details please refer to the officially doc.

The ssh way

Assuming that you have ssh on your ubuntu box.

First run kubectl proxy & to expose the dashboard on http://localhost:8001

Then expose the dashboard using ssh's port forwarding, executing:

ssh -R 30000: $USER@

Now you should access the dashboard from your macbook in your LAN pointing the browser to

To expose it from outside, just expose the port 30000 using, maybe change it to some standard port, like 80.

Note that isn't the simplest solution but in some places would work without having superuser rights ;) You can automate the login after restarts of the ubuntu box using a init script and setting public key for connection.