how to add multiple outputs in fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset in kubernetes how to add multiple outputs in fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset in kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

how to add multiple outputs in fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset in kubernetes

It's subjective to how you are deploying Fluentd to the cluster. Do you use a templating engine like Helm or Skaffold?

If so, these should have a configmap / configuration option inside of them to customize the deployment and provide your own inputs. For example, the Helm fluentd can be defined by adding outputs here:

This should allow you to make multiple streams so the fluentd data is output to numerous locations.

I notice in your specific Docker Image you provided they have some templated items in Ruby. The config specifically allows for you to mount a volume to conf.d/ in the fluentd folder:

Maybe /etc/fluentd but I'd recommend running the image locally and checking for yourself.

As long as your config files end in .conf you should be able to add anything you want.

As mentioned in 1st answer - you need to override the whole config.You're looking for the output type "copy":

<match **>  @type copy  <store>    @type elasticsearch    ...  </store>  <store>    @type s3    ...  </store>  <store>    @type kinesis_streams    ...  </store></match>

TIP: Because every <store> is gonna be long, it becomes not very readable with a larger number of stores. I usually wrap every store in a label to increase readability:

<match **>  @type copy  <store>    @type relabel    @label @es  </store>  <store>    @type relabel    @label @s3  </store>  <store>    @type relabel    @label @stream  </store></match><label @es>  <match **>    @type elasticsearch    ...  </match></label><label @s3>  <match **>    @type s3    ...  </match></label><label @stream>  <match **>    @type kinesis_streams    ...  </match></label>

Now you can move labels to a separate config files.Besides readability this has more benefits:

  • Every label is an independent event stream inside fluentd thus it can implement a separate set of filters, without affecting other labels. This is very useful when you want to filter what you're are sending to different stores, e.g. only INFO to stream, all levels to ES.
  • Label is reusable, you can call it from multiple places. Let's say you have two sources - send both to the same label.