How to check health of docker image running sidekiq How to check health of docker image running sidekiq kubernetes kubernetes

How to check health of docker image running sidekiq

If your image is unix like, you can check if the proccess is running with

$ ps aux | grep '[s]idekiq'

But this don't guarantee that everything is working inside sidekiq and redis.

A better approach is described/developed in this sidekiq plugin

I'm facing problems with livenessProbe for k8s and trying to solve without using this lib but not successful yet.

Sidekiq 6.0 ships with a new sidekiqmon, which you could use to validate that a process is running on your current machine with redis:

REDIS_URL=redis:// sidekiqmon | grep $$(hostname)


You have different approaches depending mostly on how you deployed Sidekiq inside the Kubernetes pod.

Here some of them.


Since Sidekiq v6 we have sidekiqmon

You can try with something like:

bundle exec sidekiqmon processes | grep $(hostname)

To make it work you must be able to grep the correct running process related to current pod/container.

PS AUX (I used in the past)

Something like this could work:

ps aux | grep '[s]idekiq 6'

Note the 6 (sidekiq version) at the end to differentiate from the other process that you could have.Anyway here the idea is to just check your processes with ps aux and try to "grep" the sidekiq one you need to monitor.


Another approach is to use sidekiq_aliveBut it requires more effort to be configured and managed and I never really tried it. This is the only one that really check the full functionality with also the Redis status.


If you deployed sidekiq using systemd you can just do:

systemctl status sidekiq | grep '[r]unning'"

So at the end my YAML manifest for Sidekiq deployment looks like this:

          livenessProbe:            exec:              command: ["/bin/bash", "-l", "-c", "bundle exec sidekiqmon processes | grep $(hostname)"]            initialDelaySeconds: 120            periodSeconds: 30            successThreshold: 1            failureThreshold: 3            timeoutSeconds: 30

Note that only the sidekiq_alive approach is going to perform a full end to end test, checking also the redis status. Maybe this is too much, you could have other monitoring system for Redis so maybe here, with the kubernetes LivenessProbes, you don't need to check the whole flow but just check if the sidekiq process is still alive or crashed due to a memory leak. This is up to you, based on your needs.

"Why you need this kind of LivenessProbes?"

Because if you are launching Sidekiq via systemd or similar, you will have the main process (PID 1) as /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/systemctl start sidekiq and the related process launched with ExecStart as sidekiq 6.1.3 your_app_name [0 of 5 busy]. If you have a memory leak, the last one will crash and not the PID 1.For this reason you need a sort of livenessProbes for Sidekiq.

Instead if you are not using systemd and your PID 1 is sidekiq 6.1.3 your_app_name [0 of 5 busy] because you are launching it with bundle exec sidekiq you don't need it.