How to configure a Persistent Volume Claim using AWS EFS and ReadWriteMany? How to configure a Persistent Volume Claim using AWS EFS and ReadWriteMany? kubernetes kubernetes

How to configure a Persistent Volume Claim using AWS EFS and ReadWriteMany?

You will need to setup the EFS-provisioner in your cluster. Mounting EFS is still not supported by the default Kubernetes distribution and as such you need this extension:

You'll need to set up it's storage class:

    kind: StorageClassapiVersion:  name: aws-efsprovisioner:

And then write PVC's of the type:

kind: PersistentVolumeClaimapiVersion: v1metadata:  name: efs  annotations: "aws-efs"spec:  accessModes:    - ReadWriteMany  resources:    requests:      storage: 1Mi

Don't mind the storage size, although it's not used by EFS, Kubernetes requires you to set something there for it to work.