How to connect MongoDB which is running on Kubernetes cluster through UI tools like MongoDB Compass or RoboMongo? How to connect MongoDB which is running on Kubernetes cluster through UI tools like MongoDB Compass or RoboMongo? kubernetes kubernetes

How to connect MongoDB which is running on Kubernetes cluster through UI tools like MongoDB Compass or RoboMongo?

You can use kubectl port-forward to connect to MongoDB from outside the cluster.

Run kubectl port-forward << name of a mongodb pod >> --namespace << mongodb namespace >> 27018:27018.
Now point your UI tool to localhost:27018 and kubectl will forward all connections to the pod inside the cluster.

Starting with Kubernetes 1.10+ you can also use this syntax to connect to a service (you don't have to find a pod name first):
kubectl port-forward svc/<< mongodb service name >> 27018:27018 --namespace << mongodb namespace>>

If it is not your production database you can expose it through a NodePort service:

# find mongo pod namekubectl get podskubectl expose pod <<pod name>> --type=NodePort# find new mongo servicekubectl get services

Last command will output something like

mongodb-0    <nodes>       27017:32151/TCP   30s

Now you can access your mongo instance with mongo <<node-ip>>:32151

If not resolved, expose your mongo workload as a load balancer and use the IP provided by the service. Copy the LB IP and use the same in the robo3T. If it requires authentication, check my YAML file below:

apiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentmetadata:    name: mongodb    labels:        app: mongodbspec:    replicas: 1    selector:        matchLabels:            app: mongodb    template:        metadata:            labels:                app: mongodb        spec:            containers:                - name: mongodb                  image: mongo                  volumeMounts:                      - name: data                        mountPath: "/data/db"                        subPath: "mongodb_data"                  ports:                      - containerPort: 27017                        protocol: TCP                  env:                      - name: MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME                        value: xxxx                      - name: MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD                        value: xxxx            imagePullSecrets:                - name: xxxx            volumes:                - name: data                  persistentVolumeClaim:                      claimName: xxx

Set the same values in the authentication tab in ROBO3T

NOTE: I haven't mentioned the service section in the YAML since I directly exposed as an LB in the GCP UI itself.