How to create automatic arangodb cluster backups in a Kubernetes Cluster? How to create automatic arangodb cluster backups in a Kubernetes Cluster? kubernetes kubernetes

How to create automatic arangodb cluster backups in a Kubernetes Cluster?

This is how I solved it (credits to the offical arangodb github for the first part of the script).
What is the script doing?
We are creating a cronjob which will run every 14 days. Then we spin up a pod which will use the arangodump tool to dump (in this case) the whole database.
By passing it data like the database url,password, user name and save it on a volume under temp/dump.
Afterwards we create another pod which uses the minio cli tool, which allows to interact with any of the major object storage providers.
We first set an mc alias for gcloud with the access key and secret, you can replace this with any other s3 compatible provider url. Aftwerwards we will mirror the /temp/dump to the cloud bucket (in this case qute, replace this with your own bucket name!) in a folder with the most date of the backup. $() can be used to execute shell commands and use the return value, just for anybody not knowing that.

apiVersion: batch/v1beta1kind: CronJobmetadata:  name:  backup-jobspec:  schedule: "0 0 */14 * *" #Runs the job at every 14 days  jobTemplate:    spec:      template:        metadata:          name:  backup-job        spec:          initContainers:            - name: dump-create              image: "arangodb:3.7.3"              args:                - "arangodump"                - "--server.endpoint=$(ENDPOINT)"                - "--server.username=$(USERNAME)"                - "--server.password=$(PASSWORD)"                - "--server.database=MY-DATABASE"                - "--output-directory=/tmp/dump"                - "--overwrite"              volumeMounts:                - name: dump                  mountPath: /tmp/dump              env:              - name: "PASSWORD"                valueFrom:                  secretKeyRef:                    name: signing-secret                    key: root-password                            - name: "USERNAME"                valueFrom:                  configMapKeyRef:                    name: signing-config                    key: "admin-user"                            - name: "ENDPOINT"                valueFrom:                  configMapKeyRef:                    name: signing-config                    key: db-url          restartPolicy: OnFailure          containers:            - name: db-dump-upload              image: "minio/mc"              imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent              command: ["/bin/sh","-c"]              args: ["mc alias set gcs $ACCESSKEY $SECRETKEY; mc mirror /tmp/dump gcs/qute/$(date -I)"] #no () for env variables!!!!              volumeMounts:                - name: dump                  mountPath: /tmp/dump              env:              - name: SECRETKEY                valueFrom:                  secretKeyRef:                    name: backup-secret                    key: secret                                 - name: ACCESSKEY                valueFrom:                  secretKeyRef:                    name: backup-secret                    key: access-key          volumes:            - name: dump              emptyDir: {}