How to create connectors for Kafka-connect on Kubernetes? How to create connectors for Kafka-connect on Kubernetes? kubernetes kubernetes

How to create connectors for Kafka-connect on Kubernetes?

confluent local doesn't interact with a remote Connect cluster, such as one in Kubernetes.

Please refer to the Kafka Connect REST API

You'd connect to it like any other RESTful api running in the cluster (via a Nodeport, or an Ingress/API Gateway for example)

the endpoint mentioned above is unreachable.

Localhost is the physical machine you're typing the commands into, not the remote GKE cluster

Somehow identify when the container is actually ready

Kubernetes health checks are responsible for that

kubectl get services

there are only two ways to create the connector

That's not true. You could additional run Landoop's Kafka Connect UI or Confluent Control Center in your cluster to point and click.

But if you have local config files, you could also write code to interact with the API

Or try and see if you can make a PR for this issue