How to create grafana configmap for datasources? How to create grafana configmap for datasources? kubernetes kubernetes

How to create grafana configmap for datasources?

For you to load the data by grafana server component, you would need to set this in your metadata field grafana_datasource: "1".

For a configmap:

apiVersion: v1kind: ConfigMapmetadata:  name: example-grafana-datasource  labels:     grafana_datasource: "1"     namespace: monitoringdata:  datasource.yaml: |-    apiVersion: 1    datasources:    - access: proxy      basicAuth: false      editable: false      isDefault: false      jsonData:        authType: credentials        defaultRegion: us-west-2      name: CloudWatch      type: cloudwatch

For a secret with the same label

apiVersion: v1kind: Secretmetadata:  name: influx-grafana-datasource  labels:     grafana_datasource: "1"     namespace: monitoringtype: OpaquestringData:  influxdatasource.yaml: |-    # config file version    apiVersion: 1    datasources:      - name: influxdb        type: influxdb        access: proxy        database: metrics_db        user: metrics_read_user        url:        jsonData:          timeInterval: "15s"        secureJsonData:          password: yourinfluxpassword

I have a ConfigMap for grafana withe prometheus datasource that scrapes Flink Task Managers. The file ( is too big to paste here but the main sections are below.

apiVersion: v1kind: ConfigMapmetadata:  name: grafana-config  namespace: kafka  labels:    app: flinkdata:  grafana.ini: |+ ...  dashboards.yml: |+    apiVersion: 1 database    deleteDatasources:      - name: Prometheus        orgId: 1    datasources:      - name: Prometheus        type: prometheus        access: proxy        orgId: 1        url: http://prometheus-service:9090        password:        user:        database:        basicAuth: false        basicAuthUser:        basicAuthPassword:        withCredentials:        isDefault: true        jsonData:          graphiteVersion: "1.1"          tlsAuth: false          tlsAuthWithCACert: false        secureJsonData:          tlsCACert: "..."          tlsClientCert: "..."          tlsClientKey: "..."        version: 1        editable: true  dashboard.json: |+    {...}

After having the ConfigMap set you call it inside the grafana pod like this:

apiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentmetadata:  name: grafana-deployment  namespace: kafkaspec:  replicas: 1  selector:    matchLabels:      app: flink      component: grafana  template:    metadata:      labels:        app: flink        component: grafana    spec:      volumes:      - name: grafana-config-volume        configMap:          name: grafana-config          items:          - key: grafana.ini            path: grafana.ini          - key: datasource.yml            path: provisioning/datasources/datasource.yml          - key: dashboards.yml            path: provisioning/dashboards/dashboards.yml          - key: dashboard.json            path: dashboard.json      containers:      - name: grafana        image: grafana/grafana        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent # Always        ports:        - containerPort: 3000          name: http        volumeMounts:          - name: grafana-config-volume            mountPath: /etc/grafana/

The full example working is here: