How to create k8s deployment using kubernetes-client in c#? How to create k8s deployment using kubernetes-client in c#? kubernetes kubernetes

How to create k8s deployment using kubernetes-client in c#?

Closing this issue (Resolved)


Cause of issue: incorrect version of Kubernetes ApiVersion.

Solution: get and replace ApiVersion from kubernetes api.

Can also handle the exception using:

        try        {            var result = client.CreateNamespacedDeployment(deployment, namespace);        }        catch (Microsoft.Rest.HttpOperationException httpOperationException)        {            var phase = httpOperationException.Response.ReasonPhrase;            var content = httpOperationException.Response.Content;        }

For the full clarity and future visitors, it's worth to mention, what is exactly behind this bad request error (code: 400) returned from API server, when using your code sample:

"the API version in the data (extensions/v1beta1) does not match the expected API version (apps/v1)"


 ApiVersion = "extensions/v1beta1" -> ApiVersion = "apps/v1"

Full code sample:

 private static void Main(string[] args)        {            var k8SClientConfig = new KubernetesClientConfiguration {  Host = "" };            IKubernetes client = new Kubernetes(k8SClientConfig);            ListDeployments(client);            V1Deployment deployment = new V1Deployment()            {                ApiVersion = "apps/v1",                Kind = "Deployment",                Metadata = new V1ObjectMeta()                {                    Name = "nepomucen",                    NamespaceProperty = null,                    Labels = new Dictionary<string, string>()                {                    { "app", "nepomucen" }                }                },                Spec = new V1DeploymentSpec                {                    Replicas = 1,                    Selector = new V1LabelSelector()                    {                        MatchLabels = new Dictionary<string, string>                    {                        { "app", "nepomucen" }                    }                    },                    Template = new V1PodTemplateSpec()                    {                        Metadata = new V1ObjectMeta()                        {                            CreationTimestamp = null,                            Labels = new Dictionary<string, string>                        {                             { "app", "nepomucen" }                        }                        },                        Spec = new V1PodSpec                        {                            Containers = new List<V1Container>()                        {                            new V1Container()                            {                                Name = "nginx",                                Image = "nginx:1.7.9",                                ImagePullPolicy = "Always",                                Ports = new List<V1ContainerPort> { new V1ContainerPort(80) }                            }                        }                        }                    }                },                Status = new V1DeploymentStatus()                {                    Replicas = 1                }            };