How to deploy a letsencryp with cert-manager and HAProxy-ingress How to deploy a letsencryp with cert-manager and HAProxy-ingress kubernetes kubernetes

How to deploy a letsencryp with cert-manager and HAProxy-ingress

you can try installing cert manager provided by jetstack, can be found here and then you need to follow the steps mentioned in this stackoverflow post and this will get things sorted for you.

An internal acme-challenge will be done by cert manager and once you patch the secret name, mentioned in the certificate to the TLS of ingress then certificate status will get ready state, Note that the secret will get created automatically, you need not create it

  1. Deploy Certmanager with:

    kubectl apply -f

    kubectl apply -f

  2. Deploy a ClusterIssuer (cluster issuers are namespace agnostic)

cat > prod-issuer.yaml <<EOFapiVersion: ClusterIssuermetadata:  name: letsencrypt-prodspec:  acme:    server:    email:    privateKeySecretRef:      name: letsencrypt-prod    solvers:    - http01:        ingress:          class: haproxyEOF

Apply the cluster issuer with kubectl apply -f prod-issuer.yaml

  1. Create an Ingress Resource (namespace gnostic, this example is using Nginx backend service)
cat > nginx-ingress.yaml <<EOFapiVersion: Ingressmetadata:  name: nginx-router  namespace: production  annotations: "haproxy" "letsencrypt-prod"spec:  tls:  - hosts:    - ""    secretName: nginx-tls-secret  rules:  - host:    http:      paths:      - pathType: ImplementationSpecific        path: "/"        backend:          service:            name: nginx            port:               number: 80  - host:    http:      paths:      - pathType: ImplementationSpecific        path: "/"        backend:          service:            name: nginx            port:               number: 80EOF

Apply the ingress recourse with kubectl apply -f nginx-ingress.yaml

The important piece of information here, is that the Haproxy controller does NOT need the annotation "true"that nginx-ingress controller does. It works as expected without any extra annotations.When you apply the Ingress Resourse to the cluster, the certificate will be issued in 1-2 minutes tops.Use kubectl describe certificate nginx-tls-secret -n production to check the status of the certificate, and look at the event to get the certificate.

For more debugging info incase something went wrong, refer here