How to deploy to AWS Kubernetes from Azure DevOps How to deploy to AWS Kubernetes from Azure DevOps kubernetes kubernetes

How to deploy to AWS Kubernetes from Azure DevOps

After a research and try and failure, I found another way to do it, without messing around with shell scripts.

You just need to apply the following to Kubernetes, It will create a ServiceAccount and bind it to a custom Role, that role will have the permissions to create/delete deployments and pods (tweak it for services permissions).


apiVersion: v1kind: ServiceAccountmetadata:  name: deploy-robotautomountServiceAccountToken: false---apiVersion: v1kind: Secretmetadata:  name: deploy-robot-secret  annotations: deploy-robottype: RoleapiVersion:  name: deploy-robot-role  namespace: defaultrules: # ## Customize these to meet your requirements ##- apiGroups: ["apps"]  resources: ["deployments"]  verbs: ["create", "delete"]- apiGroups: [""]  resources: ["pods"]  verbs: ["create", "delete"]---kind: RoleBindingapiVersion:  name: global-rolebinding  namespace: defaultsubjects:- kind: ServiceAccount  name: deploy-robot  namespace: defaultroleRef:  kind: Role  name: deploy-robot-role  apiGroup:

This will have the minimum permissions needed for Azure DevOps be able to deploy to the cluster.

Note: Please tweak the rules at the role resource to meet your need, for instance services resources permissions.

Then go to your release and create a Kubernetes Service Connection:

Kubernetes Service Connection

Fill the boxes, and follow the steps required to get your secret from the service account, remember that is deploy-robot if you didn't change the yaml file.

Kubernetes Service Connection

And then just use your Kubernetes Connection:

Release with Kubernetes Connection

Another option would be to use 'kubeconf' based authentication, where 'kubeconf' file can be obtained with following AWS CLI command:

aws eks --region region update-kubeconfig --name cluster_name --kubconfig ~/.kube/AzureDevOpsConfig