How to differentiate between RAM and heap usage in logstash? How to differentiate between RAM and heap usage in logstash? kubernetes kubernetes

How to differentiate between RAM and heap usage in logstash?

You are probably seeing the container memory used and not the heap size, there are other things in the JVM like the GC that require memory. Although, 3.2G seems a bit excessive for that heap 😲, so you might want to check 🔬 that the logstash JVM does indeed have those heap options.

$ kubectl exec -t <pod-name> -c <container-name> -- /bin/ps -Af | grep java

You can also check 🕵️ what request/limits you have in your container, to see if you are requesting 3.2Gb initially.

kubectl get pod <logstash-pod-name> -c <container-name> -o=yaml